Bug Bounty

We deeply care about security at Slite and that's why we want to offer a clear procedure on how to report weaknesses you have found in our system.

How to report?

  • If you find a weakness, please let us know directly  security@slite.com . We will respond to you as soon as possible with extra details if needed to reproduce the issue.
  • Please give us a certain amount of time to fix the issue before disclosing it. And don't hesitate to ask for the status of the issue resolution.
  • To search for security issues, please make sure to create your own environment, without affecting our service stability or affecting our users' data.

Considered not appropriate

  • Spamming
  • Denial of service
  • Don't use our users' data to exploit a security hole. Please provide us with the details of the issue and we can dig into it together.

Reward by severity

Up to 500$
Technical Severity
Up to 200$
Up to 100$
No reward
No reward

Edit 02/02/2021: We are aware we have HTML injection in some emails. We consider this vulnerability as very low and are working on it according to other priorities.

Dim Button We're making Slite for good. Please respect our service and let's work together on making the service better.

From the Slite Tech team