In your Slite workspace, you have 5 different user roles you can use.
Overview of user roles
Owners are the most powerful administrative role in Slite. Each account can only have one owner. The owner role is automatically assigned to the person who creates the workspace but can be transferred to someone else.
Admins can do everything an owner can but delete the workspace or transfer ownership.
Billing admin
They are not a regular administrator.
Billing admins are regular members with administrative rights on the billing side of things: they can access previous invoices, change the subscription, or update the payment method.
Members are the default role of users in your Slite workspace. They can create new content, but their access can be customized via the workspace settings.
The sharing settings of docs and channels determine what level of access they have to various content.
The reader role is only available in our Enterprise plan.
Readers are members of your Slite workspace but are not able to create any new docs or edit existing ones. This limitation is determined at the workspace level.
Only the current owner can transfer their ownership of the workspace to someone else.
In the Members section, the owner can select the teammate they'd like to upgrade via the drop-down menu to the right of their name to change their status to Owner.
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The owner is gone, how can we transfer the ownership?
We recommend adding a step to your company’s off-boarding process to make sure a departing employee can transfer ownership before they leave.
If the owner leaves before transferring ownership, please reach out to us via These situations happen, and we are here to help!
If you still have access to their email address, please send us a message from that account. If not, we'll have to verify via another source and will send you instructions on how this can be completed.