You can now use Zapier to connect Slite with other apps to automate your workflows.
Easily set up automated processes called Zaps that connect Slite with popular apps like Google Sheets, Slack, Asana, Google Docs, and more. Whether you're creating new docs, updating existing ones, or managing projects, you can simplify and automate tasks without any coding required.
How it works
To learn more and set up Zapier + Slite automations, visit Zapier’s guide. Pick a Zap workflow from the available templates or create your own, then follow the prompts to authorize your Slite account and set up automations between Slite and thousands of other apps.
The Doc ID will look something like this: GcKO7QlX4fzVM9
To get the Doc ID you will need to:
Click the 3-dot menu from the top right-hand corner of the doc
Navigate to Copy doc id and click once
The Doc id will be copied to your clipboard
getting the doc id
If the Parent ID is already set with a default template, it will not take the markdown to fill the doc created but the template.
Getting the BlockID
The Block ID will look something like this: 5374311c-2bc1-48ed-b689-7b6e4d7a9923
To get the Block ID you will need to:
Navigate to the doc in which you want to update
Hover over a blank space on toward the left-side of the doc
Click the block menu
Navigate to Copy block id and click once
The Block id will be copied to your clipboard
getting the block id
Trigger vs Action
As of August 2023, our Zapier beta implementation does not offer a trigger. This means you can act on your Slite data based on 3rd party events, but not have a workflow triggered by an action in Slite - for now.