This is a very fast evolving part of AskX, as each service has its specificities when it come to type of content and permissions. Here is a state of our data sources on .
A data source is what feeds Super with the data it needs to answer your questions. Appart some specific like GDrive, these are mostly updated live.
You can build your own source, or here is the list of native sources, their behaviours and permission management:
Default behaviour
Permission management
We index 1 year of threads in public channel only.
Permissions are respected based on the user email (it should be retrieved as member of Slack)
We index the pages you add up to the 5000 most recent ones.
For now, we don't index databases (we index the page it holds).
All the members can ask on all pages in sync if they have an account with same email in Notion.
Google Drive
We index the 5000 most recent files: Google documents, Google slides, docx, pptx and pdf
Permissions are respected based on the user email.
To retrieve user groups, you need to integrate here: https://{yourdomain}
We index 1 year of issues without the comments.
Permissions are respected based on the user email (existing in Linear and on the private Linear teams)
We index the 5000 most recent Sharepoint pages and docx of your space.
Permissions are respected based on the user email.
Public help centers
gitbook, intercom, super, zendesk, public slite and notion pages.
All the members of your workspace can ask on the websites you index.
pdf, pptx, docx, html, txt
All the members of your workspace can ask on the files you upload.
We index the 5000 most recent pages of a space
Permissions are respected based on the authentication synchronization of the user between Slite and Confluence
We index 1 year of Issues and Pull Requests without comments
All the members of your workspace can ask on the issues and pull requests
We index 1 year of tickets without comments
Permissions to the projects are respected based on the user email (needs to be the same in Jira).
All workspace members can search and ask on the content indexed via the public api.
Git documentation
We index all markdown files in a git repository (also compatible with Github's wikis)
All workspace members can search and ask on indexed markdown.
Adding and managing sources
In the data sources panel, you'll be able to browse through the sources added by your team and manage them: add new ones, remove existing ones, see the synchronisation status.