Chapter 1: Title and nomenclature

This guide is here to help you navigate decisions about designing docs and channels in our Slite. Of course, there will be exceptions to the rules. In those cases, use your best judgment as the owner of the content you create. Good luck and happy Sliting!

The first decision to make when creating a doc or a channel in Slite is what to call it.

Keep in mind, search is one of Slite's top features. However, the quality of our search depends on the information we provide. As computer scientists say, "Garbage in, garbage out," or GIGO.

How to solve the problem of GIGO? Good naming practices.

The Wikipedia  Manual of Style  contains the following guidelines about article titles:
A title should be a recognizable name or description of the topic that is natural, sufficiently precise, concise, and consistent with those of related articles. If these criteria are in conflict, they should be balanced against one another.
As one of the largest and oldest wikis in the world, Wikipedia has had to develop their naming system over time. Our Slite is growing too, and here's how we can apply those practices.


  • Channels and Documents – Use sentence case [only the first word is capitalized]
  • Common docs should have consistent titles. Examples:
  • 1:1 meetings – 1:1 [Name] x [Name]
  • First month reviews – [Name] - first month review
  • Intros – [First Name Last Name]
  • Handbooks – [Process or Team] handbook
  • External channels – Slite x [Outside Consultant Name]


  • Channel titles: 1-3 words
  • Document titles < 5 words


The document's purpose should be clear from the title. If it's too general at first, revise to make it more precise. Examples:
  • "Updates" ⟶ "Weekly team updates"
  • "Research" ⟶ "New features research"


Slite is read by humans. If you aim too hard for consistency, concision, and precision, you might miss the fact that your title sounds nonsensical. In that case, try to make it a bit more human. Examples:
  • "OKRS" ⟶ "Annual Company Objectives"
  • "New visuals for SEO content" ⟶ "Educational images and charts"

Additional Best Practices

Style Guide Highlights

  • Do not use A, An, or The as the first word
  • Use nouns or noun phrases
  • The final character should not be punctuation
  • Avoid including Channel name or "parent doc" name
  • If writing the title of a pitch, it should be actionable

Video walkthrough of naming and channel organization: