Creating groups of users in Slite allow you to easily set permissions for a specific group of people, all in one go.
You can create specific groups for different departments in your company, consultants that you bring on, specific clients, and anyone else you bring in.
How to create a user group
.1Click your workspace avatar in the top-left corner.
.2Go to the "User group" section.
.3Click "Create a group" in the top right.
.4Name the group and add team members. Additionally, you can set a description.
You're able to see all of the created groups and their members, and make changes to existing groups, right from the "User groups" tab by clicking "Manage" next to the group you want to modify.
Add a caption...
Once you've set up a user group, you can share documents with these people in the Share modal:
The Customer Support group has been granted admin access on this channel.
For newcomers, you won't need to manually set new permissions. All documents that you've previously shared with this group will be available for newly added people.