Jira Integration


This integration lets you easily insert Jira issues into your Slite docs.
The content of the tiles will always be updated, so you and your team can stay up-to-date.

How it works

When you paste an issue URL from Jira to Slite, instead of a plain link, you’ll now see a live preview of your Jira issue with up-to-date information directly in Slite. You can also use the /slash command and type /Jira and embed the URL that way.

The preview will show the issue title and status. Expanding the preview will show the project, priority and content. Both views have a quick link to open the issue in Jira.

Once any of these properties change in Jira, the preview in Slite changes instantly - no need to reload the page.

With your Jira issues integrated in your docs, Slite's search and AI-powered Ask feature will index them.

Slite supports per-team authentication. This means you set authentication for the entire workspace, just the once.


An admin of your Slite and Jira organization needs to set up the connection between the two workspaces.

There are two ways to connect Jira to Slite:
    .1One option is to connect Slite via the  Atlassian marketplace . Once you've found Slite, click Get it now. You will see a Slite selected as a site to install, click Install app. You'll then be directed to the Slite app page, click Get it now. After this step, you will see a small popup in the bottom left corner of the page, click Get started and it will open a new tab showing the last setup step: connecting the app to a Slite organization. Finally, click Connect to Slite and select the Slite workspace you want to connect.
    .2Alternatively, you can connect directly from your Jira site. Navigate to the Apps page, search for Slite and follow the steps the previous step  #1 .