As a workspace owner or admin, you can manage the whole list of users and guests in your account.
Managing members and guests
Go to your workspace settings and select the "Members & guest" section to access these options:
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You'll have access to two lists: - a list of all the members in your account- a list of the guests in your account
If you have a long list of users, use the search field to reduce it.
You can filter the list to only see deleted members or pending invites
You can see the last activity of your users.
You can export your list of users in .csv format
How to change a member role
Admins and owners can change the role of each member.
Only the owner can transmit the ownership on the whole workspace.
Click the user role to change it.
If you have further questions on the list of roles, see our dedicated article: User Roles
How to archive a user
Archiving a user can be useful when a teammate leaves your team. And if this person joins your team again in the future, you can easily restore their Slite user to be exactly the way it was before.
To archive a user, go to Settings > Invite and Manage Members to see the list of members in your workspace. From there, you can click on the icon to archive a user. After you confirm that action, the user won't be able to use Slite anymore.
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How to restore a user
You can still access the archived users and restore them if needed. To find them, click on the Filter button and toggle the "Show archived members" option on, and then click on the Restore button.
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What happens to the user's data when the account gets archived?
All the shared docs created by this user in public or private channels will remain available.
The docs in their private channel will be sent via backup link, directly to their registered email.
They will have 15 days to download their content.
The download link will provide a zip file containing their docs.
After 15 days, this data will not be retrievable.