Archive docs that are no longer being used to keep your channels fresh.
NB: This feature used to be called "Trash."
Archived unused docs
Click the three-dot menu to the right of your channel or doc (in the sidebar) to archive them:
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Find back the docs you've archived
You can easily access your archived docs by toggling the 'Archived docs' button at the bottom of the sidebar. This keeps them organized within the tree structure, allowing you to view them in context.
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Restore or permanently delete docs
When you send your docs to archives, you can still restore it, and you can delete it permanently as well. The archives won't be cleared automatically.
Who can archive and delete docs?
Permissions for channels apply to all docs within them, even archived docs.
Private docs remain private (restricted to the person or people who had access originally), even after being archived.
"Reader" permissions in a channel won't allow a member of your team to archive or permanently delete docs from that channel.
"Writer" permissions in a channel will let a member of your team archive, but not delete them permanently unless they are the doc's author.
"Admin" permissions in a channel will let a member of your team archive a doc and permanently delete it.