Doc Verification

Doc verification lets your team verify doc freshness and accuracy. It's located in the  Doc Information and Insights  panel, at the top of your doc.

What is doc verification?

Accurate and up-to-date doc content is key for your knowledge base.
The doc verification feature helps you stay on top of it:
    .1Automatically set a period after which without edit a doc is marked as "expired" and might need to be reviewed.
    .2State that a doc is up to date and proactively set a an expiration date to review its accuracy later.

It will quickly allow your team to understand the state of docs their looking at.

Possible status

Any document in Slite can have one of these 4 status:
  •  Verified 
  •  Outdated 
  •  Verification expired 
  •  Verification requested 

Marking a doc as Verified

    .1Hover your cursor above the doc title
    .2Click the "Verify doc" text above the title to open the doc info
    .3After clicking "Verify doc" choose when the verification should expire ( 6 months ,  1 year , or a custom date)
    .4When the date has come
  • The owner will receive a notification to review this document
  • The doc status will be marked as  Verification expired  to warn your readers.

Request a verification

  • When you "request a verification you'll be able to explain the reason for the review. This comment will be visible to everyone visiting the doc.
  • The owner of the doc (that you may change) will be notified

Flagging a doc as outdated

The last action you can do is to mark the doc as outdated so that your readers and your AI assistant  Ask  know it can't be trusted.
You can add a message to this action, which will be sent in a notification to the owner, and visible to the readers landing on this doc.

Manage your verified, outdated, expired docs

You can use our dedicated Knowledge management panel to list all the documents with a verification status, refresh and update them from there: