
Indicate spots that need more info filled.
Placeholders can be used throughout your docs, and are especially helpful when creating   templates  . Placeholders let you offer guidance and instruction for members of your team, while indicating that it's to be replaced / updated upon use.

For Text

Use the shortcut

Highlight the text you want to mark as a placeholder, then press:
  • ⌘-⌥-P on Mac
  • Ctrl + Alt + P on Windows
Here's an example of how a placeholder looks like...

Use the toolbar menu

  • Select content that you've added to your doc
  • Choose "More" in the toolbar menu
  • Select "Placeholder text"

For multimedia and @mentions

Use the /image, /file, or /video command within a doc, and don't select a file right away. This will create a placeholder that others may use.

Drag and drop or

Drag and drop or
You can also use the /someone or /link to doc commands to add prompts that remind your teammates to add links and @mentions.
Link to doc
Finally, you can also use /date to remind your team to add a date.