Placeholders can be used throughout your docs, and are especially helpful when creating templates. Placeholders let you offer guidance and instruction for members of your team, while indicating that it's to be replaced / updated upon use.
For Text
Use the shortcut
Highlight the text you want to mark as a placeholder, then press:
⌘-⌥-P on Mac
Ctrl + Alt + P on Windows
Here's an example of how a placeholder looks like...
Use the toolbar menu
Select content that you've added to your doc
Choose "More" in the toolbar menu
Select "Placeholder text"
Add a caption...
For multimedia and @mentions
Use the /image, /file, or /video command within a doc, and don't select a file right away. This will create a placeholder that others may use.
Drag and drop or
Add a caption...
Drag and drop or
Add a caption...
Drag and drop or
You can also use the /someone or /link to doc commands to add prompts that remind your teammates to add links and @mentions.
Link to doc
Finally, you can also use /date to remind your team to add a date.