Writing in the Editor

This is where the magic happens!
Our editor allows live multi-editing and features a wide range of formatting to build documents without distraction.
To set who can use the editor at the doc level, see:  Document Permissions .


Red Question MarkFAQ

Is there a markdown mode instead of a WYSIWYG editor?

We don't have a markdown mode but many of the markdown commands are supported directly in our editor. See  Markdown Shortcuts  for more information.

Where are the font / text formatting and style options?

We don't have alternate font faces, sizes, or colors — but this is by design. You can use the highlighter and basic editor tools, as well as subscript, superscript, and header levels 1–4.

How do I link to another doc?

@mention the doc title to select it, or use /link to doc command to search this way.
You can also just paste the share link. And finally, the /doc card command will help you create a visual link, while /embed will display the whole doc if it's publicly shared.

How do I create a bullet list?

You can use the inline editor options to create a list: type * or -, then space to begin a bulleted list.
Start with numbering 1. on a new line to begin a numbered list.

Why can't I create a doc in this channel?

You might not have been given writer or admin access to create new docs. You can contact the admin of the channel to request an update in permissions.

Do you have toggles?

Yes, but we call them  Collapsible Sections .

Why do collapsible blocks also collapse the text below them?

The block extends until the next header in your doc.

How do I get colorful, graphical doc cards?

Just set  Cover Images  from the gallery, or upload your own.

Can I crop images in Slite?

When you upload an image directly to a Slite doc, it is possible to resize it, but not to crop it.
For now, we recommend cropping the image before adding it to Slite.

May I annotate or markup an image in Slite?

Yes, via our Excalidraw integration in the editor. We call it  Sketch .

How can I hide the previews of embedded content?

Select the block and use the eye icon to hide the preview.

Which content can you embed?

The Embeds doc has a full list — but basically any publicly shared content that is embeddable in an iframe should work. And certain images, movie files, and PDFs that you upload directly in Slite can be previewed, as well. See  Images  .