Questions & Answers

Learn more about how to fill gaps in your knowledge base

Are you not able to find the content you need in your knowledge base? And do you think this is something that should be documented for the wider team? Raise a Question in Slite and get the Answer you and the rest of the team need.

How to use it?

Open your Questions & Answers panel from the sidebar.

This is where Slite will centralize all your key questions so you can navigate easily through them and refer back to the conversation that led to an answer at any time.

You can view the 'Open' and 'Closed' conversations and you have the ability to filter them by your participant role and the document.

Raise a question

In the sidebar, click on the "+" button next to Questions & Answers. It will open a draft to expose your topic and you will be able to set the proper context (Owner, Participants, Deadline).

Assign a clear owner and involve the relevant people

Add one 'Owner' to your Question and as many people as needed as 'Participants'.

Set a due date so you don't need to follow up.

The owner and participants will receive automated due date reminders so you don't need to ping each and every teammate.

Agree with something someone said? Highlight and agree.

If you're reading a response and nodding your head at the same time, why not select it, highlight it then give it a Thumbs Up. The person who wrote the response will receive a notification letting them know you appreciate/agree with their thinking.

Quote part of a response by highlighting then hitting reply.

Sometimes you'll find yourself wanting to respond to a specific part of the text. Don't waste time copying and pasting - highlight it, tap reply and you'll see it appear in the reply box.

On the go? Access Questions & Answers on mobile.

View, create, reply, and react to Questions & Ansers on mobile via both our Android and iOS apps.


What about Slack?

Questions & Answers do not replace Slack. Slack remains the go-to place for immediate chat and DMs. However, important conversations and more complex questions should go to Slite where they're easier to follow and save. Plus, if the conversation is in Slite, it can also be used for Ask.

What are some of the best practices around using Questions & Answers?

  • Use Questions & Answers to clarify the scope or direction of a project.
  • Once the conversation is resolved with an answer, you can create a doc to start executing the project and embed the conversation.
  • Try to not let threads go stale. Set and follow up on due dates.
  • Make use of  /sketch  to illustrate more complex topics.
  • Make use of  /video  to record a video to add more nuance to a topic.