You can share channels or docs publicly, and make them available to the wider public with an URL. It's a great use case for a Help Center, or for sharing information with external users (clients, freelancers, etc).
Publish to web
From the Share menu, enable the 'Share to web' option.
Anyone with the link will be able to get access to this doc. At this moment you won't be able to restrict access with a password, or by limiting access to a specific email domain or IP address.
Add a caption...
Once your doc has been published to the web, you'll see some additional settings:
Add a caption...
The number of times your doc has been viewed. (Click to get more doc stats.)
Choose what kind of access (reader/writer) you want to give people that are outside of your organization.
Choose to share sub-docs with anyone that has the link.
Enabled AI powered search (Ask) for public docs. Please note that to enable this you'll need to add your own OpenAI key to your Slite account.
Make it possible for people to duplicate the doc into their own Slite account.
Enable SEO indexing.
Control who can publicly share docs
As a workspace admin, you are able to control who is able to share docs publicly. To review and update these setting you can go to the "Public sharing" section of your team settings.
Here you can also find settings around the branding and display setting of your public docs, and you can access a list of all docs in your account that are shared via a public link.